I get it, I failed.
Miserably really.
My last posting was in March.
Not for lack of time, nor lack of finished finished project but simply, lack of anything to say.
I know, most find that hard to believe so more precisely lack of anything
worthwhile by my standards (which are painfully low) to say.
Not that I think I currently have some monumental words of wisdom you all need to copy and paste or bookmark for future reference, more or less I need to post these and move on to Summer!!
Finished my
Eco-Vest the end of March, for some reason I still haven't gotten the lone button, but I love it none-the-less.
April I moved on to
Dahlia, which I lovingly renamed
Satan's Cardigan.
Two months of stockinette, in Sport, on 4's, enough said.
Oh, wait that's not completely why...
Tore out the first finished sleeve because my arms are not the circumference of my head. Kitchnered sleeve opening tighter and re-finished, opting not to do the lace on the sleeves because I didn't think it would matter after I lit the entire thing on fire anyway.
After several breathing techniques, I blocked the beast only to find an enormous gaping hole that had unraveled on the front (of course) and commenced mending the still wet, can't-hide-un-even-stitches-ain't-gunna-hide-mended-cotton, devil sweater.
Oddly, I love it. So light I don't know I'm wearing it, perfect for Summer.
Today, the last day of silence before the house is filled with
screaming, joyful children playing. Trying to finish up this pair before I take on my next big venture of test knitting!!! Yep, signed on to test knit for a designer I love. I get a free pattern of a brand new ridiculously cute sweater and she gets, well me.
Wearing it.
After of course I give her all my expertise on stitch counts, ease of reading pattern and general rambling comments, Lord be with us both.
Summer begins.
Perfect knitting weather.