It shouldn't be nearly the shock that it is, that I haven't posted lately. Granted, the kids think I lounge around basking in the silence all day while they toil away at their desks and there's no viable reason for my writing hiatus. Once again, they would be wrong. This is the first week I haven't helped at the school since it started in September. Instead putting my energies into the now bald walnut tree and it's preceding shedding. Leaves bagged, garden done, blog yearns to be updated. A whole mess of projects still managed to emerge this Fall. Between three kids in three sports with practices at three locations, I seemed to find lots of time to sit with needles in lap. Balls whizzed pass and Gatorade was guzzled with abandon while the sun shone down.
The first to be completed was a hoodie for Ethan. After accidentally felting the sweater I made him last year, which on an up note is a perfect fit for his younger brother, understandably, he wanted one of his own. Merino and angora in blue.
A quick detour to make a little something for myself, turned a BFF cowl for two into "My Own Best Friend." I was even able to break in the buttery merino and camel at the end of season Football and soccer games.
A pair or two of socks were also thrown in the mix along with me "fixing" the first hat I ever made my husband. One hat, that should have taken one night, took one week. Tore it out, in it's entirety, 3 times to start over. Contemplated lighting it on fire. Sometimes you just need to leave well enough alone. Finished up my "mini-me" for Elaina. Just enough yarn left over from my Yuuret to make a smaller version for the girl. She's worn it twice this week. Enough said.

Moving on to what should be a simple black cardigan for moi!! I should know by now, complicated is always faster. I've already tore out and re-knit 8 1/2 inches of simple broken rib. Not only can I not see the black stitches to have any clue as to where I am in the pattern, but the dye is bleeding something awful. Inciting concerns from my kids about the state of my sooty hands and is now responsible for videos of Chimney Sweeps to be posted on my FB page (thank you very much!!) Irritation will more than likely keep this one going at warp speed. Thoughts of Christmas knitting still nag but not enough to prompt progress. Great White Hunter is next on deck with a zip neck pullover. Snow is in the air, cake pops for Ethan's Super Bowl victory party are in the freezer, children will tumble in any moment. Silence to be broken but not forgotten.
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