Monday, January 2, 2012

The Boy in the Brown Knit Pants...

By my clock, they took forever.  Little tiny stitches for long, lean legs.  By Ethan's clock, they took even longer.  He first requested his "soft pants he could wear to bed" last Christmas.  Realizing my time for petitions of hand-knits from my eldest is dwindling, I deemed them my December project.  Can't do wool lest he wake in a pool of sweat.  Cotton seemed obvious but that much work with no elasticity appeared even more daunting.  Finding a perfect blend since I have acrylic issues was key.  Skeins and pattern attained, cozy, softness finally emerged.  He loves them.  He wore them 2 days straight.  He told the parents of each of his friends dropped off for his Birthday party about them and requested to wear them today the first day back to school.  Internally, I blush.  He's 10.  Double digits.  Sleepover conversations ranged from the origins of creation to empathy for children of divorce to the strongest Pokeman strategy and culminating with a nearing disturbing conversation about suckling puppies.  He's 10.  Next year Elaina will be sent for her own sleepover, realizing his friends may be coming to see her as much as him.  Days of showers every other day left back in 2011, his own scent firmly established.  Whether after a day of lounging or a day of wrestling, neither matter.  I remember turning 10.  I felt so old mature.  No longer a child.  I felt the same thing when I turned 18.  I was correct both times.  I pray he knows I was thinking of him with each little stitch, my best guess is over 40,000 total stitches.  FORTY THOUSAND times I said how much I loved him.  40,000 times I prayed his name. 40,000 choked back tears for the man we're raising.  40,000 smiles of joy for the man he is becoming.  Happy Birthday Ethan, I can't imagine a better way to send my child off to sleep.

eta:  I was impressed when I thought it was 9000 stitches but after further research on how to actually figure it out I came up w/40,800.   May God be praised because I know without a doubt I could never do that many stitches on my own.  When I think of all the other projects and all the other little, tiny stitches that have been adding up over this time, Wow, He is awesome.  Thank you Lord for this gift, I pray I continue to re-gift it as You choose!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the part about loving him each and every stitch. Brought tears to my eyes. I feel the same everytime I knit something for someone.
