Tuesday, June 7, 2011


After a ridiculously wet May and a months worth of rain in one day for June we knew, without a doubt, it was time.  Trailer in literal tow we packed up the kids and headed over the hills in search of bliss.  The clouds parted and sun beams shone down on the perfect spot nestled in the woods.  This was of course after the current campers with the three enourmous dogs that tried to eat our friends dog left. But I digress.  Oasis rises with the turn of a crank.   Bliss emerges.

Chairs unfold, fire smolders to life, children giggle-run after butterflies fluttering for their lives. 

No buzz of technology. 

No "Can I get on?" cry to play on the computer 24/7.

Not even enough reception to determine the time.

Silent bliss.

Native fish navigating the river behind camp, provide the perfect opportunity for Ethan.  Unfamiliar fly rod tentatively held, he manages to entice.  Success spawns confidence, another fly fisherman has been born. 

Back at camp, grill marks form while sausages sizzle. 

Marshmallow, chocolate and dirt covers each child as they sleepily retire from day 1.

Exhausted bliss.

Bacon fills the air as scorching water drains through  grounds. 

Kids happily play with bubbles as groggy adults prepare for the day, Lawrence Welk's camping road tour.

Never to be out done by the older brother, Elaina awkwardly makes her first cast.  Middle child triuphantly lands four fish.  Two small fly rods now in our monetary future. 

Two days down, three spent kids, one dog that will sleep unmoving for days and two very satisfied parents. 

Victory claimed over the inaugural trip.

Memories and abilities to be passed down to their own broods.

Stocked trailer simply awaits food and clothing. 

Bliss attained.

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