I like to think I was pretty easy kid. Loved to read or simply ride my bike. Playing with the neighborhood kids until my parents voice echoed through the night.
Perfect? No.
Mischief mainly relegated to secretly poking my sister. That would be hiding her stuff and feigning innocence, all while watching the tearful drama unfold.
Siblings are fair game in the mind of a child, provoking my parents not remotely on my radar. That little trait of Elaina's, I've decided came from my husbands side because as we all know, I would've never!
In other words, the belief that each child's traits are sent specific to us from On High based on our behavior to our own parents is not sitting well. It is on the other hand giving me promise for her future.
Knowing how I will snicker when she tells me the latest unbelievable act of her offspring, I will give her the link to this page.
Here is a snap shot of last week.
Early in the week she heads to the school to play with her dad, brothers and friend after dinner while I basque in the rare silence at home. Moments later she returns saying she felt like coming home and setting out a 'sundae bar' for the others upon their return. When husband arrives with a sideways glance to the girl he tells me how she was sent home as punishment for twisting Elijah in a swing so high that not only could he not get out of her play equipment prison but he was sent spinning at speeds that would make NASA proud. And she trots in and makes a sundae bar!!
A few nights later while enduring Ethan's football practice, the last sane nerve I possessed snapped and I sent her to stand by her father who was critiquing the boy at a closer range than I, while I kept her accomplice at my side. Settling back into my book, I look up to see her smug grin leaning ever so lovingly on the shoulder of her only ally who unknowingly was cradling the little imp in his arms. As both our eyes narrowed, the tip of her tongue parts cherub lips, she knows exactly what she's doing.
God go before any smitten man.
Which brings us to a few nights ago. Creepy tooth hanging on for dear life, plucked to freedom by a napkin at the hand of a fairy loving girl. Luckily, the tooth fairy thought I should read the letter that accompanied the fang left under sleeping child's head.
is it fine if I can keep my tooth and annoy my mom and still get money?
please give me $10
She didn't get to keep the tooth or $10.
Elaina, I love you.
When your own daughter narrows her eyes, the very ends of her mouth edge slightly skyward and it takes every ounce of your being to not permanently remove all traces of superiority, only then will you know it's depths. And I, will know Joy.