Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Why it still amazes me, speaks volumes for my human-ness.  December, as always, is nutty.  Christmas shopping aside, there are two birthdays needing attention.   A Christmas program that 3 children must be completely outfitted for.   A Christmas Tea that no matter how many I do, I apparently haven't amassed all needed supplies.  Throw in multiple Christmas parties for the kids that each come with their own set of gift giving and treat making.  And to top it off our house has now become after school snack central for all local children before they head off to play!  Visions of sugar plums aren't just dancing in my head, they are giggling, giving advice and I think one is now knitting a scarf.  In short, the chances of me going mentally AWOL, are high.  Which is probably why I simply shrugged and cast on when the thought of knitting a dress for an event that was 8 days away flooded my brain.  Use what I have, no purchases to make, you can do this.  Five days later, the smell of wet wool still in the air, it dries.  Done.  Now before you fear for the state of my house or the health of my children, all is well.  I don't knit unless the house is in order, meals were prepared every day as usual and still, it dries.  TV stayed quiet as songs of the season and of praise echoed off the walls, fuel for the soul.  So much still to do, I know all that is supposed to be accomplished will.   Gauge swatching sleep pants for Ethan, no timeline needed, they'll be done when they're supposed to.