A full week off with the kiddos and everyone is still accounted for.
True, by Wednesday I was hunting down ingredients for my Bailey's recipe, which turned out fantastic by the way, but I digress.
We've made it to Saturday.
Accomplishments thus far... 2 hats I love and will have a hard time parting with.
1 amazing turkey dinner, brining and smoking is definitely the way to go.
Which lead to...Smoked turkey enchilada's with a chipotle cream sauce last night, enough said there.
Avoided the crowds on Black Friday. Opting instead to purchase from my lovely computer and have it hand delivered to my door for free, all while receiving those 'doorbuster' prices that the masses were trampling each other for.
Happy mom, soon to be even happier kids, bliss!!!
Today, another Christmas project will hit the needles.
A dinner not containing turkey will hit the table.
Children will more than likely hit each other.
And I will continue to give thanks for the privilege of being part of it all.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Elijah what happened?
muh, muh, my foooooot...
Arms encircle, tears ebb, tale of wrestling gone awry unfolds.
Wih,wih... will you make me some socks?
Um, sure baby I can do that.
Can you make them green and orange and blue???
Getting up I walk to 'the stash', rummaging until I find it. The yarn. The yarn I bought 3 years ago on a trip to Portland. The yarn I spent way too much on, only to look at it upon my return and wonder what in the world would possess me to buy this yarn? This green and orange and blue sock yarn?? 3 years it sat and now tears have brought it forth. Call it what you will. I know this, this is True Christmas knitting.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
It actually became humorous after a while. Had a recipient in mind. Picked the project, simply yet elegant. Picked the yarn, yummy merino and cashmere. Cast on 125 tiny stitches on 2's. Knit 6 rows in pattern, that would be 750 stitches, only to discover a hole. Hmmmm? Rip it out start over. 125 tiny stitches, w/a 17 stitch lace pattern repeat. Or was that 18? Crap. Whole pattern off. Rip it out start over. Cast on 125 tiny stitches, count them again to make sure....Can't get past 38, kids yelling, dog barking, 57, 58, 62, 71??? Arrrrg...put down till next day. Cast on 125 tiny stitches using stitch markers every 10 so I wouldn't lose my place or my mind. Cruising right along, brim complete!!! Hmmmm? I have 5 button holes the picture has 3. Sigh. Reread pattern, read all project notes from others, still have 5, everyone else has 3, I'm a dork who apparently can't read, found my error. Determined to sew the extra's shut I forge on. Joining round! Simple cross of one side to the other so button band will lay nicely on top of buttons, I've done this on pullovers, no biggie!!! Hmmmmm??? 4 rows up, I realize my button holes are on the bottom and unless I think she'll enjoy buttoning it inside out something drastic needs to occur. Drop all 6 crossed stitches back down 4 rows, recross and weave back up. Honestly. Time to decrease and be done with this demon hat. "End of row 15 you'll have 84 stitches". Um no. More like 126, why yes I did read it wrong AGAIN and completely missed decreasing 42 stitches. Quickly, throw extra 42 stitches in the final decrease mix so hat is not 3 feet long, bind off, throw on floor, stomp up and down, pick up, beat mercilessly on coffee table. Breathe. Place gently in bowl of warm soapy water, pat water out on towel, lay to shape, off to find buttons.
Monday, November 14, 2011

"Football Hoodie" completed just before hunting season began. A woolen behemoth to wrap around my love while he was stalking the big one.
Knee-highs for the girl rounded out football and soccer season. Mindlessly knitting while little legs ran.
A quest for the perfect fall hat resulted in a cabled and brimmed chapeau, not sold on the brim a bit too Sherlock Holmes. May rework this one in the days to come.

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